Digital innovation
As a designer, I thrive on imagining the future. My vision has birthed many concepts.
A personal favourite was exploring digital sustainability and sharing my learnings throughtout Microsoft via talks and workshops.
Automated workflows for Windows accessible users/ collaboration
Driving Digital Sustainability on Windows ☘️
Television use-cases beyond entertainment / collaboration
Create visual stories for Social media using Surface Duo Camera 📸
Keeping things fun!
A gamer at heart (with many hours logged in), ideating for “Delight” & “Play” is second nature.
I truly believe that designing joyful experiences is the key to memorable user experiences.
Softning the blow with funny cat errors (concept)
Kinetic typography (animation collaboration) - Watch Video
AEIOU - A multilingual learning game / made with Scratch 2.0 😸
Visual storytelling
My visual training started with paper based water paintings. The curiosity translated to digital media with trying my hands on 3D softwares, typographic posters and latest visual trends for ambient storytelling.
Copyright © 2022, Pragya Gupta